What is the Club Activ8 Scheme?

Everyone Active and its partners at North West Leicestershire District Council are working to make activities more accessible for young people in the community.

The scheme is currently running at a number of schools throughout the district. Once on board, students at those schools will receive weekly points during term time based on the price of a Junior Swim Session e.g. 29 points (£2.90).

For those aged 14 and over, their weekly points allowance is currently based on entry to the gym e.g. 45 points (£4.55). Lastly, for those aged 16 plus, their weekly points allowance is again based on entry to the fitness suite e.g. 70 points (£7.00).

These can be spent at:

  • Whitwick & Coalville Leisure Centre, Whitwick - 01530 811215
  • Hood Park Leisure Centre, Ashby - 01530 412181
  • Ibstock Leisure Complex, Ibstock - 01530 265836
  • Measham Leisure Centre, Measham - 01530 274061

Points can be used weekly or saved to pay for more expensive activities. Each point saved is equivalent to 10p.

Click here for more information, including how to sign up.

Michael Lidwell

Michael Lidwell

Active Communities Manager

Everyone Active
