National Fitness Day 2023 will take place on Wednesday 20th September and is a chance to highlight the role physical activity plays across the UK, helping us raise awareness of its importance in assisting us to lead healthier lifestyles. This year we want to shift the focus.

What does Sport Mean to You?

We asked some of our local residents why they play sport. Read some of their answers here:

Whether it be an elite athlete competing in high level events, or a bunch of mates having a kick about after work, sport contributes to the lives of many people in this country and keeps them fit and healthy.

Some of the benefits of sport:

  • It improves physical health
  • It improves mental health
  • It reduces loneliness and isolation
  • It provides people with new skills
  • It strengthens communities
  • It is a lot of fun!

For many people, the word 'sport' may seem intimidating. This is probably because it conjures up of an image of a highly competitive, gruelling activity. And in some cases, this is correct. However, there are now more opportunities than ever for everyone to get involved in sport at every level.

Grassroots Sports

Grassroots Sport refers to sport that takes place at local and recreational level. These sports clubs rely heavily on the work of volunteers and are often the first port of call for those interested in beginning a sport.

Walking Sports

Often a part of grassroots sport, there are more and more walking sports emerging. Walking sports are often slower, lower impact versions of the original sport, perfect for older people, or those dealing with an injury or health condition.

Some of the walking sports on offer in NWL are:

- Walking Netball

- Walking Football

We are hoping to extend the offer of walking sports in the district, so if you are part of a club or sport who would like to start a walking session, let us know!

Inclusive Sports

We believe sport should be enjoyed by everyone. Inclusive sport sessions enable those with physical or mental disabilities to enjoy sport at their own pace and on their own terms. These sessions are run by those who understand how to successfully adapt sessions to everyone's needs.

We also have our North West Leicestershire Inclusive Club Scheme that not only supports local clubs to become more inclusive, but also enables those looking for an inclusive club to easily identify a club that can support them to get active.